

  • And then there are TWO…

    And then there are TWO…  TWO diaper changes, TWO kids crying, TWO kids wanting my attention, TWO  kids wanting me to keep awake everyday. If I fall asleep, I wake with a toddler screaming in my ear or a pile of her toys on top of me. No, there are no perfect turkey dinners cooking in the oven,…

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  • Weekends

        I remember thinking back to when it was winter weekend and maybe -30 Celicus outside when I lived in Alberta. I would be warm and toasty under my blanket inside the house. I would sit up after a long sleep, feel the cold air from the wind sneaking in from the cracks of…

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  • Just call me Rambo (WARNING: this topic is dedicated for new moms or mom’s to be)

    After I had my daughter, I was clueless about breastfeeding and what engorgement felt like. She was having latching issues and I had no idea. I thought she was eating well. However, being engorged was so painful. I had no idea why my “chest-sicles” felt like hard pectorals. I felt like rambo. I went from a A…

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