Ah Olivia & Bobo friend. Her little hippo friend. I thought I would be fine having her travel on a trip to see my parents last summer without Bobo. I was wrong. I was only when my husband tried to test to see how well she can do sleeping without Bobo.
I wanted to put Bobo in the wash and gave her a different toy to sleep with. She threw her toy on the other side of the bed and cried for about 45 minutes until I said to my husband, “Okay, you made your point.”
I learned my lesson. She chose her childhood toy and they are inseparable. During bedtime, she will look for her little friend. If he’s not there she let’s us know no matter the time of day or nite.
My husband made sure, Bobo had a twin friend when he is in need of major bath time. Good job daddy! I would normally have to sneak to switch them when she isn’t looking. It can be tricky but it needs to be done to stop my eye from twitching. Ha!