We recently had some of my family visit. It was a nice week with them, having them accompanying me with the kids to the mall. Someone to talk to and reminice about old times. We laughed together, ate together and they helped me with the kids.
Then as I drove off at the airport after they had to head back to Canada. I said to myself, “It’s just me and the kids again.” My heart just sank and I cried in the car pulling away. I think I have been just keeping the kids an I busy while my husband works to try to block out some of that homesick feeling. However, this time it hit me harder.
Whenever I walk in the mall with my kids, my heart sinks a little when I see other moms with their parents, siblings or other extended family. It always reminds me that this distance keeps me homesick.
We are in another country. All our family is there and we are all the way here. It took me a few days to get back into the routine and accept that we wont see the family for months again.
I guess compared to the 80’s, we wouldnt have been able to do videochats.
So I guess, there is that.