By Mejanzen Studio

The Terrible Almost 2’s

It happens out of no where. The Terrible 2’s but in my case, it’s the Terrible Almost 2’s.
She just started understanding new words, saying “Mommy” and “Please”. We would go out to mommy and me classes without meltdowns or tantrums. She would get dressed, get in the car or stroller without a fight.

All of the sudden, out of no where, it begins. The constant tantrum’s, the word, “NOOOOOO!” for everything. The squirming, the running, the screaming, the crying, the numerous time out’s. It was just out of no where. I thought to myself, “Where am I going wrong here?” and “What happened to my little girl?”

I thought she was just having an off day, but nope. This time, it is the stage of the “terrible two’s”…

Each day is exhausting. Waiting until 5 for my husband comes home (if he doesn’t work overtime) seems like it takes forever. And if I’m lucky, she will take a nap without putting up a fight.

I never realize how exhausting it is. If this is a preview of the teenage years, I will have to be hiding in my room crying with a bowl of ice cream dreaming of when I will oneway be “cool” again in my daughter’s eyes.

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